Syncing Up Sales, Strategy, and Marketing in 60 Minutes

Written by
Michael Sia
March 6, 2024

In the dynamic world of online rentals, finding the right strategy to scale and adapt to market demands can be a challenge. WEquip, an innovative rental platform, recently found themselves in a similar predicament. Despite gaining organic sales, the company noticed an inconsistency in their target market and the actual customer data. Here's a detailed look at how WEquip, with the help of CXO Business Solutions, managed to align their sales, strategy, and marketing efforts in a single 60-minute meeting, setting the stage for sustainable growth.

Out of Sync

WEquip was excited to see organic sales starting to flow through their platform. Items like chairs and backyard party equipment were popular, while others lagged behind. However, Connor, the Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), noticed a discrepancy: their marketing efforts were aimed at individuals with minimal storage space, such as apartment dwellers, yet the data showed that middle-aged people were the primary renters.

Meanwhile, Josh, a dedicated sales representative, recognized the need for a robust user base to entice businesses to list their items on WEquip. He was looking for clearer guidance on which businesses to approach to maximize listings and ensure the platform's success.

The marketing team faced their own challenges. They needed to rely on the strategy team to define customer groups accurately, aligning their campaigns towards renters. Simultaneously, they had to figure out a way to support Josh in winning over businesses.

The Solution

During our 60-minute monthly meeting, each department laid out their perspectives and challenges. This collaborative approach allowed CXO Business Solutions to craft a comprehensive strategy that would leverage the strengths and insights of each team.

Strategic Investment in 'Futures'

CXO proposed that the WEquip founders should treat their rental items like ‘futures’ in the stock market—anticipating items that will be in demand in the coming quarters and doing ground-level networking to get those items on the platform. After seeing what’s actually in demand, WEquip can collect data on the customer group and inject focused marketing and sales efforts into these items until the target audience reaches a critical mass, ensuring a steady stream of rentals.

Data-Driven Targeting

By tying together various positive data points of today, CXO enabled WEquip to refine their target marketing strategies. Instead of focusing solely on individuals with minimal storage space, the company would now also consider middle-aged renters, who showed a higher rental activity in their marketplace. This adjustment ensures that marketing campaigns are more accurately aligned with the actual customer base.

Supporting Sales Efforts

With a clearer understanding of their customer groups and rental patterns, the marketing team could better support Josh in his efforts to attract businesses. This includes providing him with data-driven insights and tailored marketing materials that resonate with potential business partners, making it easier to bring more listings onto the platform.

Results and Future Outlook

This streamlined, data-driven approach has positioned WEquip for significant growth. By aligning their sales, strategy, and marketing efforts, the company can now anticipate market demands more effectively and scale their platform efficiently.

As WEquip continues to grow its user base, they will keep refining their product offerings and marketing strategies. By investing in futures and maintaining a close watch on customer data, WEquip is well-prepared to meet rental demands and ensure their platform's success in the long run.


The 60-minute meeting facilitated by CXO Business Solutions was a pivotal moment for WEquip. It showcased the power of collaboration and data-driven decision-making in solving complex business challenges. By syncing up sales, strategy, and marketing efforts, WEquip has laid a solid foundation for future growth and success in the competitive online rental market.

WEquip's journey underscores the importance of adapting to market realities and leveraging data to drive business decisions. With CXO Business Solutions' guidance, WEquip is not only meeting current demands but also setting the stage for continued innovation and expansion.